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When Does Max's The Hedge Knight Take Place In The Game Of Thrones Timeline?

It's been a big day for HBO as the company's streaming service, HBO Max, rebranded under a new moniker, Max, and a cavalcade of fresh trailers and announcements arrived to accompany it. One of the biggest bits of news, though, came with the revelation that HBO will be doing another "Game of Thrones" spin-off centered around Dunk and Egg, stars of a series of novellas by author George R.R. Martin. 

With its full title, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight," being quite a mouthful, the series is still very likely to succeed considering how well-received and widely watched fellow "Game of Thrones" spin-off "House of the Dragon" has already been.

Still, while "House of the Dragon" takes place nearly 200 years before the events of the flagship series, the new show will be set closer to the timeline of "Game of Thrones." According to the official description of the show, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight" will take place around a century before the events of the original show.

The series takes place roughly 100 years before Game of Thrones

The official logline says that the series is "set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living memory," meaning that it will take place long after the events of "House of the Dragon," but before Robert's Rebellion.

Adapted from the three tales of Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, known better as Dunk and Egg, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight" will first follow Martin's 1998 novella, simply titled "The Hedge Knight," which explains how the duo comes to be companions who travel the realms of Westeros together. Of course, the tales also have plenty of the trademark violence and adult content that the parent series is known for as well.

With the announcement that "House of the Dragon" is only aiming for about four seasons of storytelling, it begs the question of how long "The Hedge Knight" will go on. If they did one story per season, that would make for three seasons, but given how short these stories are, it's hard to imagine them encompassing an entire season.

On the other hand, considering that the "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" novellas mainly follow two wandering characters, the stories could easily be built out by adding new tales of Dunk and Egg and the people they meet along the way. Either way, it looks like, despite the changes, HBO is still very much in the "Game of Thrones" business.