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Chicago Med Fans Are Emotional Over Asher's Backstory

"Chicago Med" always hinted at Dr. Hannah Asher's (Jesse Schram) troubled past. Season 8, Episode 18 surprised fans by revealing a key part of Dr. Hannah Asher's origin story.

Fans have always praised Dr. Asher for going above and beyond with her patients, so it comes as no surprise when the good doctor tried to help a pregnant woman undergo a C-section birth — despite the risk involved. Even with everyone's best efforts, the woman tragically dies. However, the baby survives. The incident was a tough pill to swallow for Dr. Asher, mainly because it is revealed later that Hannah's mother died during her birth. The shocking and emotional discovery answered a lot of questions about the character's flaws and motivations.

Dr. Hannah Asher's heart-wrenching revelation drew a smorgasbord of support from followers of the series like @KatherWren_, who posted on Twitter, "HANNAH ASHER'S BACKSTORY? I wanna hug her so bad." Other users like @logiesbearswife also wanted to comfort the Chicago Med personality, writing, "I just wanna give Hannah the biggest hug yet. My heart hurts for her." User @jonicole26 posted about how most people probably felt watching the tear-inducing ordeal, writing, "I feel for Hannah!" 

Some fans took things a bit further and proved why this reveal is a bigger deal.

Fans got real about Asher's origin and Crockett's Condolence

While many were eager to comfort Dr. Hannah Asher, other fans were shocked by the dark tone. For some, it was devastating to watch — like @Melaninqueen202, who posted: "Hannah's mom died in childbirth. I am not okay." Also, user @Sydvaughnfan2 showcased their sorrowful bewilderment, posting, "HANNAH LOST HER MOM AT CHILDHOOD," followed by several crying emoji faces.

Despite its disheartening story, some fans loved seeing the "Chicago Med" character's backstory fleshed out. "I love Hannah Asher," @HenryAppleBott1 posted. "I love when we get more backstory for these characters and what a heartbreaking one to unlock, I wasn't expecting that tonight. The story itself was brutal, the message was important and Hannah's revelation hurt."

Still, this episode wasn't just about discovering the details of Hannah's tragic past. Dr. Crockett Marcel's (Dominic Rains) touching reaction to the revelation went over well with viewers like @HennryAppleBott1, who remarked: "Crockett comforting Hannah was super sweet. I like that it didn't play into an established relationship or feel like a setup. It was just comforting someone who needed comforting." User @lah9891 was also fond of the moment between the two, stating: "What a sweet moment with Crockett and Hannah, even if for a super sad reason." 

There is no denying that Dr. Hannah Asher has come a long way in the series. After watching her seemingly overcome adversity many times, fans now know how she has endured.