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The 6 Best (And 6 Worst) Episodes Of Trailer Park Boys, Ranked

Though "Trailer Park Boys" never achieved massive mainstream success, the Canadian show has built a loyal cult following since first coming on the air in 2001. The original series lasted for seven seasons until 2007, with a 2008 special "Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys" serving as a de facto epilogue. Then, the boys bought the rights to the show in 2013, and in 2014 new seasons started airing exclusively on Netflix. The show stayed on Netflix for five seasons, finally ending in 2018 by transitioning to "Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series."

At its core, "Trailer Park Boys" was always about friendship. Main characters Julian, Ricky LaFleur, and Bubbles are lifelong friends, having grown up together in the Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Their sidekicks at various points are Corey and Trevor, J-Roc and Roc-Pile, and Jacob, who help them take on the park supervisor, Jim Lahey, and his boyfriend/assistant trailer park supervisor, Randy. Whether it's siphoning gasoline, "gankin' luggage" from the airport, or stealing and selling frozen meat, the boys are always finding new schemes to mess with Lahey and make some cash.

Throughout its 12 seasons and more than 100 episodes, "Trailer Park Boys" had some definite highs and lows. On the whole, fans have routinely rated the original episodes as superior to the Netflix revival, though a few new episodes have also garnered praise. Using some help from IMDb ratings, these are the 6 best (and 6 worst) episodes of Trailer Park Boys, ranked.

Best: If I Can't Smoke and Swear, I'm F***** (Season 3, Episode 3)

Undoubtedly, one of the funniest episodes in "Trailer Park Boys" history is Episode 3 of Season 3, "If I can't Smoke and Swear, I' F*****." The episode mainly revolves around Ricky LaFleur, Julian, and Bubbles masterminding a scheme where they steal gas and resell it in the park. There is also a hilarious subplot involving Ricky and his young daughter Trinity, with Ricky trying to get her to quit smoking and take a nicotine patch. 

The boys enlist Corey and Trevor to help them steal gas, but Ricky can't stop himself from chain-smoking — even though he's wearing a patch and pumping gasoline out of a garden hose — which eventually leads to the entire operation going up in flames. Finding themselves on trial, Ricky takes it upon himself to represent everyone. This is by far the best moment, as Ricky cites the fictitious "People's Freedom of Choices and Voices Act" and pleads with the judge to allow him to smoke and swear in the courtroom because that's the only way he knows how to express himself. 

It's a hilarious episode from start to finish and truly shows all of the characters at their best: Jim Lahey and Randy are blackout drunk and unable to make a coherent case, Ricky is able to outsmart Lahey in the end, Corey and Trevor take the blame, and Julian and Bubbles get away as if nothing happened. 

Worst: A Three Tiered S*** Dyke (Season 10, Episode 3)

When "Trailer Park Boys" moved to Netflix, the series underwent a massive change. By the third Netflix season — Season 10 — things had almost completely fallen off the rails. Simple plots about committing low-level crimes and being "greasy" were replaced by plots that became too convoluted and confusing. There was no better example of this than Episode 3, "A Three Tiered S*** Dyke." In the episode, Julian, Ricky LaFleur, and Bubbles are trying to find ways to make money so Julian can afford a lawyer to fight Barbara Lahey's takeover of the park.

The guys first steal a bunch of bikes using Ricky's trademark ability to fool the cops, but they make barely any money after J-Roc's fence is less than generous. They then start breaking into homes in nicer neighborhoods to steal electronics, but Corey and Jacob hide it all in a lake when they are chased by the cops — ruining everything and bringing the guys back to square one.

There are some funny moments, like Ricky's interactions with the police and the subplot involving J-Roc and his Black son, as well as when Ricky thinks the phrase "turn up the heat" is actually "two turnips in heat," and he suggests the guys buy a pair to cure their woes. Still, the episode is widely uneven and haphazardly put together. The plot makes less and less sense as the episode progresses, finally ending with nothing really being accomplished. 

Best: Workin' Man (Season 4, Episode 8)

One of the trademarks of the original "Trailer Park Boys" series was the fantastic season finales, and the final episode of Season 4, "Workin' Man," was definitely one of the best. It mixes together everything that made the series amazing: The guys growing dope, Jim Lahey going berserk to try and catch Ricky, a massive police showdown, and everyone going to jail in the end.

Guest-starring in the episode is former Canadian singer-songwriter Rita MacNeil, whose tour bus Ricky commandeers to harvest his marijuana plants. While harvesting, the band starts spontaneously singing her song "Working Man," much to Ricky's chagrin. The best scene of the episode involves the boys sitting in the King of Donair restaurant. Ricky is screaming at the top of his lungs about having "a whole field full of weed," which Bubbles ineffectually tries to cover up by telling everyone they're actually just talking about their landscaping business.

A great subplot of "Workin' Man" involves J-Roc wearing a disguise wig and sunglasses because he's pretending he's in jail to seem as "hard" as possible for his bumbling rap career. It truly is one of the funniest episodes in the entire "Trailer Park Boys" canon, and has all the characters in their prime: stoned and heading to jail. Corey and Trevor are the sole exceptions, taking all the boys' earnings to spend on themselves and finally coming out on top for once. 

Worst: Why the F*** Is My Trailer Pink? (Season 9, Episode 1)

The next entry to our list is again one of the weaker episodes in the series, the Season 9 debut "Why the F*** Is My Trailer Pink?" The guys are fresh out of jail and headed back to the trailer park, only to discover that it's now a retirement community for the elderly run by a reunited Jim and Barbara Lahey.

When Ricky LaFleur tries to reunite his estranged family together back in Sunnyvale, he is met by Leslie Dancer, an ex-military man whom Jim and Barbara Lahey have hired to run security. Ricky is not allowed in the park due to all of the trouble he has caused, leaving him and his family to camp in his dilapidated old car known as the s***mobile.

It's not hard to see why this episode was so poorly received by fans. For the most part, the episode has almost no redeeming qualities. Julian's awesome bar setup being converted into a pink day spa is pretty horrible, and Leslie is probably one of the least likable characters in the entire series, though he does do a great job as the villain. By far the biggest issue, however, is the change from the trailer park into a retirement community. The show is called "Trailer Park Boys" after all, and to see beloved Sunnyvale being destroyed was just too much for many viewers, easily making it one of the series' worst episodes.

Best: The S*** Blizzard (Season 5, Episode 10)

Another one of the top season finales in "Trailer Park Boys" was the Season 5 ending "The S*** Blizzard." In the episode, Julian, Ricky LaFleur, and Bubbles find themselves in a huge gun battle with rival drug dealer Cyrus and his accomplices Dennis and Terry. Earlier in the season, the boys had stolen Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry's hash and gotten them sent to jail, but after Randy bails them out, they head back to Sunnyvale to confront Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles. This all leads to a shootout between the boys and Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry that ends with Corey, Trevor, and Ricky all getting shot.

"The S*** Blizzard" has everything you would want from a "Trailer Park Boys" episode, including a few touching moments as well. At one point, Jim Lahey ends up saving his rival Ricky's life by delivering CPR when he is unconscious, showing that despite their problems they are all still one giant family. Later, in recognition of his good deeds, Lahey is given a commendation by the city, which he drunkenly accepts while barely being able to maintain his balance.

It also has a classic "Trailer Park Boys" ending, with Ricky and Julian in jail, Bubbles lamenting their absence, and Randy and Lahey getting drunk while failing to run Sunnyvale properly Season 5 itself was one of the series best, and the finale was the cherry on top.

Worst: George Green: Industrial C*** Inhaler (Season 9, Episode 4)

A perfect example of why the Netflix iteration of "Trailer Park Boys" was so unpopular is Episode 4 from Season 9, "George Green: Industrial C*** Inhaler." At this point in Season 9, Ricky LaFleur's daughter Trinity has had her own daughter, mistakenly named Motel, and Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles are trying to gather everything they need to give the baby a place to stay. Due to Ricky being kicked out of Sunnyvale, the family cannot live there, making them scramble to find a home.

In the original series, the guys might have come up with some low-level crimes to do to figure things out, but not in Season 9. The guys' plan now involves them buying an entire motel and auctioning off the property inside. It's a convoluted mess that sees the original owners of the motel come back halfway through, halting everything and confusing everybody.

Even worse, a huge part of the episode is dedicated to the new Sunnyvale, no longer a trailer park and now a retirement community. Bubbles is wearing a ridiculous and humiliating poncho and sombrero, as he is now the community chef and has to degrade himself to get anyone to eat anything. It's a poor look for everyone involved, and there are only a few funny moments and lines, like when Corey screws up the auction by outbidding everyone. Overall, though, it's a weak effort that lacks credibility and the original show's sensibility. 

Best: Conky (Season 4, Episode 5)

Season 4 was a treasure trove of hilarity from the "Trailer Park Boys," and Episode 5 "Conky" was certainly no exception. This is the episode that introduced the character of Conky to the series, as a ventriloquist dummy that Bubbles used to have as a child. Despite being one of the least-liked characters in the series, his inaugural episode is one of the greats. Conky is rediscovered when Julian, Bubbles, and Ricky LaFleur dig him up to accompany Bubbles to the dentist. Bubbles has never gone to the dentist without Conky and makes his friends rescue Conky from a swamp to make him more comfortable.

Pretty much every scene in the episode is hilarious, starting with Rickly accidentally gluing both a toy semi-truck to his hand and a dirty rag to his nose, the latter of which makes him start to hallucinate midway through the episode. Conky, who is being controlled by Bubbles, constantly makes snide remarks to both Julian and Ricky, referring to Ricky as the magician Raveen and Julian as Patrick Swayze.

At one point, Ricky points a gun at Conky to shoot him, only to be reminded by Julian that behind Conky's puppet head is Bubbles' very real hand and head. Julian convinces Ricky to put his gun down, only to blow Conky to bits seconds later after becoming enraged by the puppet's insults. From start to finish, "Conky" is truly an amazing episode and definitely one of the series' best.

Worst: Up In Smoke We Go (Season 10, Episode 7)

If you thought a guest star list including Snoop Dogg, Tom Arnold, and Doug Benson would make for a strong episode, think again. Episode 7 of Season 10, "Up In Smoke We Go," was truly the episode when the series "jumped the shark" and went completely off the rails. In the prior episode, the boys had already stretched things pretty far when Bubbles managed to hack into "Jimmy Kimmel Live," which leads to the disaster that is "Up In Smoke We Go."

After seeing the boys on Kimmel, Snoop, Benson, and Arnold all show up at Sunnyvale looking to meet the boys. While that already sounds pretty terrible as far as the "Trailer Park Boys" universe is concerned, it's Arnold's character that truly makes it horrendous. He shows up dressed exactly like Ricky and claims to be a huge fan of the show, and starts listing off his favorite moments from previous seasons, which makes everyone — the audience included — very confused and uncomfortable.

The entire thing shatters the fourth wall surrounding the "Trailer Park Boys" universe and really makes no sense at all. At no point prior in the series have the boys acknowledged being on a TV show, as the series originally starts as a personal documentary created by Julian. The entire plot of the episode is completely ridiculous and made little sense from the beginning. 

Best: A S*** River Runs Through It

As far as series finales go, the original finale to the "Trailer Park Boys" — Season 7's "A S*** River Runs Through It" — is one of the better ones. The first half of the episode serves as the conclusion to Season 7, where the guys are successfully able to transfer their dope via the "Swayze Express" model train system from Canada to the U.S., ensuring them a rich retirement. This is despite Conky calling the FBI and a drunk Randy and Jim Lahey trying to take them down.

The second half of the episode is a wrap-up to the series, showing all of the characters at peace with themselves and each other, living happily ever after in Sunnyvale. It has funny moments, touching moments, and a healthy bit of nostalgia, making it the perfect ending. It truly concluded everything on an incredibly uplifting and happy note, emphasizing the main theme of the entire series: Friendship and family.

The high points of the episode include Bubbles disguised in a red leather jacket and curly-haired wig so he is not recognized as the Swayze Train thief and the three-way negotiation between the boys, Randy and Lahey, and the FBI. In the negotiation, the boys essentially choose who arrests them, as they are sitting in international waters between the U.S. and Canada. It was a great ending to the original "Trailer Park Boys," and really showed what it was about.

Worst: Thugged Out Gangsta S*** (Season 10: Episode 9)

It's probably not surprising at this point, but the next episode on our list is another doozie from Season 10: It's Episode 9, "Thugged Out Gangsta S***." The episode's main issues are the convoluted plot, poor guest star roles, and weakness of the entire storyline. Tom Arnold, Doug Benson, and Snoop Dogg all once again guest-star, and both Benson and Arnold's characters are decidedly terrible.

Arnold, due to his infatuation with the show and in particular Ricky and Lucy, wants to pay Lucy to have sex with him so he can experience what it's like to truly be like Ricky. Meanwhile, Benson uses his "charm" to steal away J-Roc's new girlfriend and take her back home with him. Both subplots really rubbed fans the wrong way, especially almost watching Lucy reluctantly prostitute herself out to Arnold. 

Another down point of the episode is when Julian loses control of the park in court to Barb Lahey, who immediately issues them a 30-day notice. Seeing the guys lose the park after only having it for one season — which was the culmination of more than a decade of failure — once again turned fans off to the episode. That they lost it to Barb's character, who has turned from a lovable mom into a vindictive gangster seemingly overnight, especially irked fans. Finally, "Thugged Out Gangsta S***" ends with Ricky getting shot and going into a coma, a fitting end to a terrible episode. 

Best: Closer to the Heart (Season 3, Episode 5)

While "Trailer Park Boys" has at times struggled to smoothly integrate celebrity guest stars into their episodes, they did a phenomenal job in Episode 5 of Season 3, "Closer to the Heart," which features Alex Lifeson from the Canadian rock band Rush. In the episode, Julian, Ricky LaFleur, and Bubbles are trying to scrounge up money to buy Rush tickets, but Jim Lahey foils their plans by buying all of the tickets and refusing to sell them. This leads the boys to don garbage-bag suits and sneak into the venue through the sewers, making it in but without any clothes.

At another point, Ricky actually kidnaps Lifeson, duct-taping his mouth shut and leading him through his hotel lobby, hilariously telling everyone he's a cop and Lifeson is a "drunk male prostitute." The main theme, though, revolves around Bubbles' love for Rush and his desire to be Lifeson's roadie for the night. He is able to live his dream, briefly appearing on the big screen after successfully handling guitar changes. 

The episode ends with Bubbles and Lifeson playing a brief rendition of the Rush song "Closer to the Heart," with Bubbles on vocals. The episode truly has everything that "Trailer Park Boys" can offer, mixing uproarious dialogue and physical comedy with a compassionate and uplifting message.

Worst: The Super Bling Cowboy (Season 10, Episode 8)

If the guys had not already "jumped the shark" the episode prior, then Episode 8 of Season 10, "The Super Bling Cowboy," would definitely have earned that description. After Tom Arnold, Doug Benson, and Snoop Dogg show up and start getting involved with the boys, everything in the "Trailer Park Boys" universe starts going haywire. It's during this episode that Arnold first proposes "banging" Lucy for money, and he later he demands to see Jim Lahey drunk. It almost turns the show into a parody of itself, with Arnold making a mockery of Ricky, Lucy, and Jim Lahey's lives as if they are fictional people — which they are.

Still, nothing compares to the absolutely atrocious climax of the episode: When everyone joins Bubbles onstage to sing a new song, "The Super Bling Cowboy." It's about as cheesy and terrible as you might guess. Bubbles enters a singer-songwriter competition, but after getting nervous onstage is bailed out when Snoop comes up and starts rapping. You figured that at some point Snoop would do some performing, but his lines were pretty nonsensical. 

In all, "The Super Bling Cowboy" was an example of "Trailer Park Boys" at its absolute worst, struggling to put together a coherent plot and relying on gimmicky celebrity guest appearances to make all the jokes. It was a serious low point in the series, and unfortunately, things wouldn't get a whole lot better.