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What Happened To Bruce On Survivor's Season 44 Premiere?

"Survivor" has laid claim to being one of the longest-running reality shows on television. Initially premiering in 2000, the show is currently on its 44th season, and it's proving anything can still happen when you take a bunch of people and have them do challenges together. 

Season 44 of "Survivor" debuted on March 1, and viewers were instantly taken aback when less than 20 minutes into the episode, contestant Bruce Perreault suffered a grave injury. During the first challenge, Perreault hit his head against a wooden beam. Despite how severe the injury looked, Perreault assured host Jeff Probst and the other contestants that he was fine. However, that clearly wasn't the case as blood poured down his face, resulting in EMTs being called to the scene to treat him. 

Perreault toughed it out a little while longer on the show, but that night, he still wasn't feeling well. Medics once again looked him over, and it was at this point his "Survivor" journey had to come to an end. 

Bruce Perreault may appear later on Survivor

There are plenty of "Survivor" moments that devastate and inspire, and in the Season 44 premiere, fans had to see a contestant go home who definitely wasn't ready to call it quits. After taking another look at Bruce Perreault's injury, it was determined the best course of action was for him to leave the show. Perreault was reluctant at first but ended up admitting that it was definitely the right decision. Jeff Probst told him as he left, "I am genuinely heartbroken for you. You are a shining light. You are so positive. You are a leader."

Fans expressed their fear for his safety on Twitter. One user, @Brian_Scally, wrote, "I feel awful for Bruce. I can't imagine how devastating immediately getting pulled from the game must be." And Perreault wasn't even the only injury of the episode. Matthew Grinstead-Mayle dislocated a shoulder and cut up his feet after walking on some dangerous-looking rocks. And Brandon Cottom faced heat and dehydration problems, requiring medical attention. 

As for Perreault, it may not be the last time viewers see him on "Survivor." Probst appeared on the "On Fire" podcast, with a new episode debuting after the episode aired. Probst confirmed that he'll invite Perreault back on "Survivor" so that he can have a proper experience. And by the end of the Season 44 premiere, Probst told the other players that Perreault was in "great shape." Here's hoping the best for Perreault.