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Ryan Reynolds Isn't Sure Deadpool 3 Will Happen

The Deadpool movie franchise might not be the perfect unholy trinity fans hoped it would be. 

It seems as though the entire movie-loving world has its eyes on Deadpool 2 right now, yearning for the upcoming sequel to provide some much-needed comic relief after Marvel's heartbreaking Avengers: Infinity War. And with the follow-up flick tracking for an impressive $150 million-plus domestic opening, it also feels as though a third Deadpool movie is all but inevitable. But according to lead actor Ryan Reynolds, it isn't a certainty.

"I don't know that there would be a Deadpool 3. I really don't," Reynolds revealed to Entertainment Weekly during his exclusive Deadpool 2 cover story interview. "I feel like the character, in order for him to function properly within his own universe, you need to take everything away from him. I don't think that you can keep doing that."

However, Reynolds does still envision Deadpool as part of the X-Force — in the X-Force movie that Drew Goddard (The Cabin in the Woods) is writing and directing — and has a few ideas about where the Merc with a Mouth might venture outside of his own film series. 

"I would love to see him in a team-up sort of thing, like a mano a mano or a great female character from the X-Men universe," the actor pitched. "I just think if you're going to do another Deadpool solo film, you've got to really, like, get that budget down to nothing and just swing for the fences, and break all kinds of weird barriers, and do stuff that no one else can do."

If studio 20th Century Fox does order another solo Deadpool flick, Reynolds wants it to be completely different than the two films that came before it. "Why do they all have to be big comic book movies? It could be anything. Deadpool could be a Sundance film," he stated. 

When asked if Deadpool 3 could be, say, a romantic movie involving Deadpool and Colossus a la Call Me By Your Name, Reynolds answered, "I wouldn't suggest for a second that our writing would be at that level, but I do think that we could go to a lot of very unexpected places ... I'll just put it that way, but I would love that."

Whatever a potential third Deadpool film might end up being, it's safe to say that fans would flock to see it. For now, they'll head to cinemas on May 18 for Deadpool 2