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The Flash Actually Looks As Good As James Gunn Says It Is (& Here's The Big Reason Why)

Whenever a movie is subject to numerous reshoots and delays, it's easy to assume that the finished product will be a colossal mess. This is especially true for DCEU movies as the franchise has experienced its fair share of ups and downs since 2013's "Man of Steel" paved the way for a new era of DC on the screen. However, "The Flash" has faced more problems than reshoots and delays since the project was announced; the allegations against Ezra Miller have been well-documented, and these controversies have cast a shadow over the movie.

On the flip side, delays and reshoots can be a positive thing for a movie that needs work. As the 2020 "Sonic the Hedgehog" film proved, long delays to high-profile projects can produce positive results when it's all said and done. That certainly seems to be the case with "The Flash," as the movie looks excellent based on the Super Bowl trailer, which showcases multiple versions of beloved characters.

James Gunn has been bigging up "The Flash" since he took over DC's new film and television division. He was always going to support the project as it benefits him if the film succeeds. However, Gunn's superlatives might have been justified as the first trailer teases one of the most ambitious comic book movies ever made.

James Gunn has high praise for The Flash

James Gunn knows a thing or two about superhero movies. As the director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" films, he's given us some of the most beloved and successful comic book movies out there. That said, he might be even more passionate about "The Flash" than he is about his own work, as he recently told Variety that it's "one of the greatest superhero movies ever made." Now that the rest of us have been treated to a taste of the action, it's plain to see that he's onto something.

Right now, "The Flash" looks like a dream big-screen adventure for long-time DC fans. It brings together over 30 years' worth of DC cinematic history, from Michael Keaton's Batman to Batfleck to Michael Shannon's Zod and more. The trailer also teases the possibility of Robert Pattinson and Christian Bale's respective Batmen making appearances, which is a wild concept to comprehend.

Based on the trailer, "The Flash" looks set to be DC's "Spider-Man: No Way Home" — an ambitious movie about a multiversal rift that brings together popular characters from all corners of comic book and cinematic history. If the finished product isn't a giant mess, which DC has been known to create on occasion, there's no reason to believe that "The Flash" won't be as good as Marvel's most ambitious efforts. The ingredients are certainly there, and the trailer looks like it's mixed them together in an epic way.

The power of nostalgia

If Hollywood's endless trend of rebooting and recycling beloved franchises tells us anything, it's that the studios behind those movies and TV shows understand the power of nostalgia. It's an effective marketing tool as nostalgia allows us to relive positive memories and pay close attention to new iterations of things we already love. By bringing back blasts from the past, "The Flash" will appeal to the old-school DC stans, but the trailer doesn't reveal a soulless mixtape of watered-down hits.

James Gunn has said that "The Flash" will reset the DC movie universe. Not only is that necessary for the DCU era to move ahead with a clean slate, but it's the perfect opportunity for some reflection and celebration. "The Flash" could just have focused on the last 10 years of Warner Bros. mainline DC franchise, but it seems that the film is out to provide closure for fans of DC's rich history on the screen. Furthermore, the returning older characters look absolutely integral to the plot, so it won't be nostalgia for nostalgia's sake.

There's a feeling among some DC fans that Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck didn't get to say goodbye to their respective DC characters on their own terms. "The Flash" will hopefully give those fans the emotional swansong they've been longing for — and that's not even considering the other surprises from yesteryear who'll make an appearance.