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Small Details You Missed In The Flash Super Bowl Trailer

The first trailer for "The Flash" dropped a year ago, but it's pretty obvious why Warner Bros. hasn't been shoving the film down our throats in the marketing department since. Super Bowl LVII debuted the second official trailer for the film, and despite the controversy surrounding Ezra Miller, this movie seems like it's going to be a good time. It might even be the best movie in the now-canned DCEU. Whether or not Miller continues as Barry Allen in James Gunn's DC Universe remains to be seen, but mum has been the word for quite some time.

Flash fans deserve a solid movie adaptation, and director Andy Muschietti's film seems like it's going to be one of the best superhero movies of 2023. Michael Keaton pretty much solidifies the deal on that front, as does Sasha Calle's Supergirl, who we only saw briefly in the first trailer. There was a lot to digest in "The Flash" Super Bowl trailer, so we broke down some small details you might have missed.

A plethora of Batmen (Battfleck, Keaton, Bale?, etc.)

"The Flash" trailer features appearances from Batfleck and Michael Keaton as their respective iterations of "The Dark Knight," which will undoubtedly please fans of the SnyderVerse and Tim Burton's "Batman." That said, while it's exciting to see these fine actors back in action, their trailer cameos only confirm returns we've known about for months. But are they the only Batmen in the trailer?

As of this writing, it's unknown if Robert Pattinson and Christian Bale will return as Batman in "The Flash." The rumors have been rampant for months, but the trailer may have lent some meat to speculation. 11 seconds into the teaser, there's a shot of Gotham's resident hero soaring down the street on his Batcycle. This part is interesting, as the street in question is located in Glasgow, Scotland. Both "The Batman" and "The Dark Knight Rises" used the Scottish city for some of their respective Gotham City sequences.

To be more specific, George Square is the Glasgow location featured in the trailer. This street just so happened to be used in "The Batman." Sure, using the same location might be coincidental, but let's not rule out the possibility of Pattinson or Bale making an appearance.

Michael Keaton's Batman is introduced with Danny Elfman's iconic theme

Batman has had his share of iconic live-action theme songs over the years, but the top of the heap could very well be the theme music composed by Danny Elfman for the 1989 "Batman" film directed by Tim Burton. That version of the Caped Crusader, played by Michael Keaton, appears to offer help to The Flash (Ezra Miller) in his battle across alternate timelines. And just in case Keaton's distinctive growl and cowl weren't enough, the music that accompanies his on-screen entrance in the trailer is none other than a rendition of that distinctive Elfman score.

Keaton is featured quite prominently in the trailer for "The Flash," and it's exciting enough for fans of his turns as Bruce Wayne in "Batman" and "Batman Returns" to see him return once more to the role. The addition of his theme music is just a cherry on top of the brooding, crime-fighting sundae.

Hush Batman makes an appearance

Back in late November, amid questions about which (if any) of Zack Snyder's "Justice League" cast members would make the cut of James Gunn and Peter Safran's new DC Universe, rumors circulated that "The Flash" film would be heavily edited to remove all references to the Snyderverse to avoid making promises they didn't intend to keep. For a brief moment, it appeared as though these cuts would mean the omission of Ben Affleck's Batman, who was previously announced to appear.

Thankfully, it seems that he not only made the final cut, but looks to be getting a pretty substantial amount of screen time. As Bruce Wayne (likely early on in the film), he warns Barry about the dangers of tampering with time. Later on in the trailer, we get a good look at his brand-new bat suit.

It appears to be a combination of the Snyder "Justice League" design and some comic book influences, most likely inspired by the "Batman: Hush" era from 2002. The book was drawn by iconic "Batman" artist Jim Lee and featured a gray-and-blue costume very similar to what Affleck's Batman can be seen wearing in the trailer.

Flashpoint Superman is actually Kara

One of the most critical aspects of the "Flashpoint" timeline is the altered path the character of Superman takes. While Kal-El is the big hitter of the Justice League in the main DC continuity, in the "Flashpoint" storyline, he landed in Metropolis. He spent his entire life living in a science lab, being studied by shadowing government entities. It isn't until the end of the story when Flash, Cyborg, and Batman (in the original version as Thomas Wayne) discover his location and break him out of the lab that he becomes a big part of the climax.

Of course, with the DCEU all but dead and Henry Cavill's departure as the franchise's Superman, a different path needed to be taken. This is where Sasha Calle ("The Young and the Restless") comes in, taking on the role of Supergirl. The trailer gives us our first real look at the character, seeing her looking emaciated first and then introducing herself after our two Barrys break her out of the lab. Last but not least, we see her flying next to the Barrys in an aircraft, showing off her new super suit.

While we know there are some significant differences from the comic version to the film version — including multiple Batmen and no Thomas Wayne as of yet, multiple Barry Allens and no Eobard Thawne as of yet, and Supergirl instead of Superman — there still seems to be enough evidence of a faithful adaptation.

Zod returns, but how?

"The Flash" Super Bowl trailer reveals actions have consequences. And one of the deadliest SnyderVerse baddies, General Zod (Michael Shannon) returns because of the Flash/Barry Allen's time-traveling antics. At the 1:08 mark, Barry witnesses a transmission similar to the one Zod broadcast while searching for Kal-El (Henry Cavill) in "Man of Steel." The footage suggests that the Flash has returned to that same point in time, and, as a result, resurrected one of Superman's greatest adversaries.

At the 1:10 mark, the Kryptonian World Engine wreaks havoc, as it did in "Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." "I completely broke the universe," Barry exclaims. The very next shot reveals Zod aboard a Kryptonian Attack Ship as plumes of smoke and fire rise from the ashes of a war zone below. "We've been waiting for you," Zod says as another Kryptonian vessel approaches, but who is he speaking to?

It's unclear, but Zod's attack force lays waste to the human soldiers desperately trying to fight back. At the 2:07 mark, a Kryptonian ship hovers above what appears to be the Flash clashing with either another Barry Allen or, perhaps, the Reverse Flash. And then at the 2:11 mark, fans are treated to the pièce de resistance: Supergirl punches an armored-clad Zod right in the face! So, did the Flash's arrival in the past lead to Kal-El's death? Whatever Barry did, it's now up to the Girl of Steel to help stop Zod's tyranny.

Theory: Reverse-Flash is the real villain

If you know anything about the Flash, then you know that he has a sworn nemesis, one who would do anything to kill him and take the title of "Fastest Man Alive" for his own. That's right, Eobard Thawne, aka the Reverse-Flash, might be the man behind the curtain, though right now that's just a theory. Known for going back in time and killing Barry's mother, Thawne is vital to the "Flashpoint" story and has appeared in every adaptation of the story so far, including both live-action and animation alike. 

With all that in mind, it would be surprising if this yellow-and-black-clad speedster didn't make an appearance in the upcoming "The Flash" movie, and it's possible that we've already seen glimpses of him. Besides the brief flashes to the death of Nora Allen that we see in the trailer, there's a strong possibility that the alternate Barry could be the Reverse-Flash. In the comics, Thawne wants everything that Barry has, and once even took over the speedster's life.

In the original "Flashpoint" comic, Barry is re-inserted into the new timeline after he saves his mother, meaning that the inclusion of the alternate Barry doesn't exactly make sense. Given the alternate Barry's yellow-themed clothing, it's possible this is a nod to his true identity as Thawne, luring Barry into a sense of false security before the final blow. He's been known to steal people's faces before, and his jealousy towards the Flash knows no bounds.

I Am Legend and Pacific Rim posters in Barry's room

This isn't exactly a DC Comics Easter egg, but the inclusion of "Pacific Rim" and "I Am Legend" posters on the alternate Barry's wall is a fun nod to these other sci-fi adventures. Though "Pacific Rim" has no real connection to superhero media — unless you count the fact that giant robots fighting giant monsters is what we all love about "Power Rangers" — there's a bigger connection between "I Am Legend" and the greater DC Universe, namely its inclusion of a "Batman vs. Superman" movie poster.

Long before Zack Snyder brought Batman and Superman together on the big screen, the idea of a "Batman/Superman" team-up film was in the works at Warner Brothers. Despite the fact that these heroes had collaborated in both comic books and animation, getting them together for a feature proved a bigger challenge. Akiva Goldsman, the writer behind "I Am Legend" and "Batman and Robin," was tasked with writing a "Batman vs. Superman" film for the studio, though nothing came of it.

While Goldsman's "Batman vs. Superman" movie never saw the light of day, the world of "I Am Legend" featured an Easter egg for the shelved project, highlighting that in this post-apocalyptic world, the World's Finest superheroes managed to make something happen. Of course, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" eventually happened and the rest is history, but it's still fun to see a DC film return the favor all these years later.

Batman '66 symbol confirmed

Of all the surprises in "The Flash" Super Bowl TV Spot, none were more welcome than all the Batman material thrown at us. Along with the multiple Batmen who showed up, we also got a glimpse at Michael Keaton's different batsuits, many designed specifically for the film. In another time, these might have all been made specifically to sell a boatload of toys, but now they're just fabulous nods to bygone eras of the Dark Knight. 

While there are plenty of direct references to previous Batman comics and uniforms peppered throughout these suits — such as the Neil Adams era Batman with a blue cowl — there's one that stands out above the rest. If you look closely at the batsuit on the far left, its logo doesn't quite match the others. That's because this is actually the bat-symbol from the original Adam West "Batman" series. Costume designer Chris Weston confirmed this on Twitter, revealing that the nod to the '66 "Batman" was completely his idea.

"I was in fanboy heaven!" Weston explained. "Luckily I had a great lead designer, Alexandra Byrne, who was very receptive to my wacky notions!" Along with the nod to the original television Batman, the suit's holsters — which hold grappling guns rather than twin pistols, this is still Batman after all — and the classic Golden Age "ears" were Weston's idea as well. The longer you look at these highly-detailed uniforms, the more you see the comic book influence on them.

'89 Bruce and his parents

At this point, everybody knows that the catalyst for Bruce Wayne's tenure as Batman is the death of his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne. It seems as if the death of one's parents or mentor is something of a requirement for DC Comics superheroes — at least the likes of Batman, Superman, and Cyborg — and it looks like "The Flash" will revolve around this idea also. While Barry is dealing with trying to save his mother from her grisly fate, there's a Batman out there still mourning his parents too.

In a quick moment, we're shown a photograph in Wayne Manor of a young boy with his parents. Given that this photo sits in front of the room that contains all the batsuits, it's more than likely that this is the Wayne family. As we piece together this photo from the trailer with the shot of Bruce entering his secret chambers from the TV spot, it's possible that this photo is the key to the Batcave itself. Fitting, given that Batman was born the night his parents died.

In the original "Flashpoint" story, it's revealed that the Batman of the "Flashpoint" timeline is actually Thomas Wayne, and that Bruce was the one killed that night instead. While that's not the direction that "The Flash" seems to be taking, Thomas is still having an impact on this fractured world. Here's hoping Keaton's Batman lives up to Thomas' comic book mantle.

The Flash ring

All this focus on Batsuits is fun and all, but only true fans of the Flash comic books will note the insignia ring that Barry is seen wearing throughout the trailer. In the comics, Barry created a super-suit that could shrink itself into the size of a ring that he would wear, so that he was always prepared to save the day. This suit was a sort of friction-resistant material that kept Barry protected when running at top speeds, and even survived Barry's death during the original "Crisis on Infinite Earths" comic book miniseries.

On "The Flash" television show, Grant Gustin's Barry Allen eventually gains a Flash ring of his own after years of working on developing one, and in the upcoming feature film, Ezra Miller's Barry Allen seems to finally be doing the same. Though he previously wore armor in "Justice League" — inspired by his look during "The New 52" era — Barry has now built himself a new uniform for "The Flash," one that's sleeker, better matches his traditional comic book appearance, and, most importantly, fits within his Flash ring.

Though we only get a few brief glimpses of this Flash ring, it sports the hero's original insignia and opens at the lightning bolt to reveal his new costume underneath. While we'll have to wait to see what the full process looks like, it's exciting to think about this small element of the Flash mythos being translated to the big screen. It's about time.

Different colored lightning

On "The Flash" television series, much like the original DC Comics, there have always been distinctions made between the different colors of lightning. The Flash traditionally carries a yellow lightning trail behind him as he bolts across Central City, while his enemies might carry different colors in their wake. The Reverse-Flash, for example, usually sports a red lightning trail, while others such as Cobalt Blue and the TV version of Savitar carry a blue one. Different speedsters hold different lightning, which usually means something.

From Barry's first appearances in the DCEU, he's always carried blue lightning with him. We see it clearly in "Justice League," and again in the trailers for "The Flash." In the comics, other versions of Barry Allen have used blue lightning before as have many of his enemies. Curiously, the new trailers and TV spots show Barry surrounded by his trademark yellow lightning, insinuating some sort of power upgrade in his abilities as Barry steps closer to his DC Comics counterpart.

Since the on-screen blue lightning originated from Zack Snyder's vision of the DC Universe, it could be a reference to "Watchmen," namely the blue light that surrounds Doctor Manhattan. In the comics, Manhattan is ultimately responsible for the timeline changes of "Flashpoint," as revealed in Geoff Johns' "Doomsday Clock." Given that Billy Crudup originally played both Doctor Manhattan and Henry Allen in "Justice League" — though Ron Livingston plays Henry in "The Flash" — there might be a bigger connection here.

Supergirl's redesign

In the Flashpoint-inspired world of "The Flash," Superman no longer exists. After the strange exit of Henry Cavill from the DCEU, it should come as no surprise that Superman isn't slated to appear in "The Flash." Taking the Man of Steel's place in this reality-warping story is his cousin, Kara Zor-El. Known in the comics as Supergirl, Kara has been a part of the Superman mythos almost as long as the Big Blue Boy Scout himself, showing up in various live-action projects before this one.

Played by Sasha Calle in the upcoming film, Kara's appearance is more akin to her cousin's rather than her iconic comic book counterpart. Even Melissa Benoist's Girl of Steel from the "Supergirl" television series looked more like the Kara Zor-El we know from the Superman books. But just because this Woman of Tomorrow looks a bit different doesn't mean that there isn't comic book precedent for it. After all, not every Supergirl sports the long blonde look.

Both the Cir-El and Lara Lane-Kent versions of Supergirl look remarkably similar to Calle's version of the character. Cir-El first appeared in "Superman: The 10-Cent Adventure" #1 and eventually revealed herself to be Superman's lost future daughter before being erased from the timeline. Lara Lane-Kent made her debut in the "Injustice" comic series as an imaginary daughter that Superman might have had. "Justice League" #34 later reveals that, in some world, Lara is real, making her the version that Calle takes the most cues from.

The old Batmobile and Batwing return

Making their debut in the original 1989 "Batman," Michael Keaton's old vehicles are also set to return in "The Flash," and they look just as cool as ever. While recent films, beginning with Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" trilogy, have attempted to make Batman's primary modes of transportation a bit more realistic, Tim Burton's original Batmobile and Batwing were just as impractical as ever. But compared to some of the other Batmobiles of late, the '89 Batmobile had style, and even inspired the one from "Batman: The Animated Series."

While Batman's "Flying Fox" from "Justice League" is briefly seen, allowing Ben Affleck's Batman to catch his prey, it's Michael Keaton's Batwing that we're most excited to see take flight. The bat-shaped plane formerly flew up against Jack Nicholson's Joker in "Batman," but hasn't been seen much since. Here, it looks as if the Batwing will serve as some sort of electrical conduit, probably to give the alternate Barry Allen the same Flash superpowers as the original — or, if we're following the "Flashpoint" comics here, maybe it'll help restore Barry's lost abilities.

Longtime Bat-fans are no doubt already excited about "The Flash" — which maybe should be titled "DC's Flashpoint" or "Batman and The Flash" at this stage — but the return of the most iconic-looking members of Batman's vehicular arsenal is even more reason for excitement. After all, the words "I'm Batman" don't mean too much if there's nothing especially interesting behind them.