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Warrior Nun Fans Continue The Time-Honored Tradition Of Buying Billboards To Save Their Show

There are more avenues than ever before for fans of a TV show to voice their frustrations when a series gets canceled. Fortunately, there are also more options than ever before for a network or streaming service to pick up a canceled show and make those fans rejoice. As such, it shouldn't come as a surprise to hear that fan campaigns to save series have gotten pretty intricate over the last few years. 

Of course, one should expect a bevy of social media posts with #Save[InsertTVShowHere] tacked on at the end. But one of the more intriguing developments as of late is fans purchasing billboards to convince those with the power to do so to save a series. A noteworthy example of this is when fans purchased a billboard in Times Square to save the Snyder Cut of "Justice League," and amazingly, the campaign eventually worked with the director's cut making its way to HBO Max.

Similar stunts have been done to the likes of "The OA" and "DC's Legends of Tomorrow." And now, "Warrior Nun" fans are getting in on the action. They've been extremely vocal online about their desire to see another streamer pick up the series after Netflix canceled it after only two seasons, and to drive the point home, they've purchased a couple of billboards to hopefully get the right person's attention/ 

The passion is there

It's one thing to post a hashtag; it's another thing entirely to spend hard-earned dollars to get a billboard for a limited time in the hopes a show gets picked back up. It worked in the past for the Snyder Cut, so no doubt "Warrior Nun" fans hope for a repeat this time around. As evidenced by a tweet from @angrytrashacct, people banded together to put up a billboard asking for a "Warrior Nun" Season 3 not too far away from Netflix's headquarters. Fans even got together for a photoshoot to pose next to the billboard, so hopefully, even if the show doesn't continue, they made some friends along the way. 

But that's not the only place "Warrior Nun" fans are getting attention. They also put up a billboard in New York City across the street from the New York Times building, which was posted by @peej008 and then shared by the show's creator Simon Barry. The post was then followed up with a slew of posts from "Warrior Nun" fans who said things like how beautiful the billboard is and expressed their desire to see more of the show. 

It remains to be seen if the tactic will work. It would take a mighty big change of opinion for Netflix to reverse course. After all, while it's loved by fans and earned positive ratings, it didn't exactly get sufficient viewership, so that might still be a nail in the coffin. There's always hope another streamer could step in and pick it up, but Season 3 of "Warrior Nun" may just remain a fantasy.