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15 Best Force-Sensitive Beings In The Star Wars Universe

When discussing the Force in the "Star Wars" universe, most people focus on its most popular wielders, the Jedi. These powerful Force wielders certainly consider themselves to be in service to the Force and can accomplish many miraculous feats by tapping into the universal energy field that "binds the galaxy together." However, as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) explains to his student, Rey (Daisy Ridley), in "Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi," "[The] Force does not belong to the Jedi."

Many beings can feel the Force in the "Star Wars" universe, and while some have attained nearly godlike power, not all of them are affiliated with the Jedi or their ancient enemy, the Sith. Some take on roles that defy traditional definitions of good and evil, showing that following the will of the Force can sometimes take you down very unexpected paths. Some of the most interesting Force-sensitive beings are Jedi who walked away from the light, while others are creatures older than even Yoda himself, creatures who defy explanation. Let's take a closer look at 15 of the best Force-sensitive beings in the "Star Wars" franchise and see how each one helps maintain balance in a galaxy far, far away.


Although the Jedi Order stresses maintaining "balance in the Force," it traditionally favors the light side, which promotes defense, passivity, and peace over darker traits like fear, anger, and hatred. However, other Force-sensitive beings truly are all about balance.

One such being is Bendu (Tom Baker), an ancient being introduced in the "Star Wars Rebels" third season episode "Steps Into Shadow." A Force-sensitive entity who lives on the planet of Atollon, Bendu claims to represent the center of the Force, residing between the light and dark sides. Refusing to take sides in any conflict, Bendu has still accumulated vast knowledge of the Force over many years.

Although Bendu claims not to interfere in the affairs of the Jedi or the Sith, he does aid Force-sensitive beings, including Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus (Freddie Prinze Jr.). After Kanan loses his sight in a battle, the imbalance he feels awakens Bendu. Not only does Bendu teach Kanan to use his other senses to compensate for his lost sight, but he also counsels Kanan on his fears about losing his apprentice, Ezra Bridger (Taylor Gray), to the dark side.

Bendu continues providing counsel to both Kanan and Ezra in later episodes. While he seems largely benevolent, he's also fiercely neutral and even claims it may be the will of the Force to destroy the Jedi. "Star Wars" often focuses on stories of good versus evil, but Bendu reminds audiences that there are always shades of grey in between.

Mother Talzin

A shaman and the Clan Mother of the Nightsisters of Dathomir, Mother Talzin (Barbara Goodson) occupies an unusual place in the Force. At first, it seems she was affiliated with Darth Sidious (voice actors Ian Abercrombie and Tim Curry), who promises to trade dark side secrets with her. Instead, Sidious abducts Talzin's son, Maul (Sam Witwer), and trains him as the Sith Lord Darth Maul.

In revenge, Talzin seeks revenge against the Sith, eventually using her magicks to resurrect Maul and empower his brother Savage Opress (Clancy Brown) so they could battle Sidious. These feats cause her to lose her physical body, yet she survives as a spirit and continues affecting events on the physical plane. Even after she's permanently destroyed, Maul and the others she'd helped continue fighting in the Clone Wars and beyond.

Interestingly, Talzin claims to not have a natural connection to the Force, although the Nightsisters derive their powers from the dark side. Her abilities are based on Dathomir-style dark magicks, allowing her to use a form of Force lightning, see the future through a crystal ball, and transform others — most notably when she gives  Maul a new pair of mechanical legs. While she undoubtedly uses the dark side, her vendetta against the Sith makes her a very different player in "Star Wars" power struggles.

Luke Skywalker

When it comes to choosing the most notable Jedi, several candidates come to mind. Jedi Master Yoda (Frank Oz) trained Jedi Knights for centuries. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) was one of the Jedi Order's most accomplished knights, despite having a low midi-chlorian count that supposedly affects one's ability to sense the Force. However, Luke Skywalker, the focus of the original trilogy, stands out as the most significant Jedi of his time.

What's remarkable about Luke is that he often walks alone on his journey toward becoming a Jedi. Although he receives training from both Obi-Wan Kenobi (then played by Alec Guinness) and Yoda and studies texts left by Jedi Masters from previous eras, the Jedi are largely extinct by the time Luke begins his training, requiring him to learn in unconventional ways.

This no doubt influences his scrappiness, determination, nobility, and power. The Republic's Jedi Order fell before Luke's birth largely because of the Jedi's hubris, casting doubt on their teachings and morals. Luke also allows himself to be guided by the Force itself rather than one teacher, which allows him to become a very different type of Jedi. Although he favors peace and serenity, he's not afraid to tap into his darker emotions, as we see in his more aggressive fighting style in "The Mandalorian" Season 2's episode "The Rescue" or in his fight against Darth Vader (Sebastian Shaw and James Earl Jones) in "Return of the Jedi." At his best, he's one of the most balanced Jedi Masters and can attain almost unbelievable levels of power through his connection to the Force.

Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader

There's a reason why he's known as "The Chosen One." Having been both Jedi Knight and Sith Lord, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) walks a path that, while devastating, ultimately is drawn by the will of the Force. His incredibly high midi-chlorian count gave him incredible potential and helps him achieve mighty Force powers, yet his early life as a slave, coupled with the Jedi Order's inability to understand him, made him very unstable.

Ultimately, Anakin's distrust of the Jedi, desire for power, and fear of losing his loved ones cause him to fall to the dark side and become Darth Sidious' (Ian McDiarmid) apprentice Darth Vader. A battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi leaves him stripped of much of his power, yet even then he shows he was still obeying the will of the Force by destroying both the old Jedi Order and eventually the Sith in "Return of the Jedi" — two institutions that, in Vader's time, no longer bring balance to the Force. In the process, he allows his son, Luke, to bring about a new Jedi Order potentially better suited for its time.

As a Sith Lord, Darth Vader is utterly ruthless and consumed with self-loathing. Although he's able to find redemption by (temporarily) killing Darth Sidious and living on as Anakin Skywalker's Force Ghost, his journey is filled with pain and suffering, showing that the Force can be quite violent in its attempts to bring balance.

The Mortis Gods

The Jedi might consider themselves agents of the Force, but the Mortis gods saw themselves as representations of the Force itself. Introduced in the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Season 3 episode "Overlords," these Force wielders include the Daughter (Adrienne Wilkinson), who represents the light side; the Son (Sam Witwer), the embodiment of the dark side; and the Father (Lloyd Sherr), who maintains the balance between the two.

By creating physical manifestations of the Force, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" was able to portray the galaxy-wide imbalance in the Force as a family drama. After encountering Anakin Skywalker (voiced by Matt Lanter), Obi-Wan Kenobi (James Arnold Taylor), and Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein), the Mortis gods seek to use the mortals to further their own agendas. While the Father hopes Skywalker could take over his role and maintain order, the Son wants to sway Anakin to the dark side so they could leave the planet together.

Meanwhile, the Daughter attempts to protect the Father from the Son, going so far as to sacrifice her own life to keep her brother from stabbing their father. She later sacrifices the remainder of her life force to restore a wounded Ahsoka to life, dying in the process. Her death upsets the balance of the Force, and it takes the deaths of both the Son and Father to restore the natural order, giving a strange face to the constant turmoil between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Ahsoka Tano

The apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano has been many things over her lifetime. Initially, it looks like she would become a member of the Jedi Order, training as a padawan under Anakin and serving as a general during the Clone Wars. However, Ahsoka becomes disillusioned by the Jedi Order and leaves after being falsely accused of committing crimes. She spends several years traveling incognito before resurfacing as the agent "Fulcrum" in "Star Wars Rebels" to aid the emerging Rebel Alliance. Later still, she strikes out on her own again, in adventures we'll see in the upcoming "Ahsoka" Disney + series.

Although people like the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) refer to Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson in live-action) as a Jedi, Ahsoka has made it very clear that she does not associate herself with the Jedi Order anymore. Nevertheless, she continues to practice her Jedi skills and wields two white lightsabers, signifying her affiliation with neither Jedi nor Sith. While she continues to help those in need and offer counsel to Jedi like Luke Skywalker, at the end of the day, Ahsoka is one Force-sensitive individual who defies classification.


A member of Yoda's unnamed species, Grogu (aka "The Child") is affiliated with many groups. Raised in the Jedi Temple before the events of "The Mandalorian," Grogu had been trained by many Jedi Masters and had tremendous Force potential. However, his path to becoming a Jedi was cut short when Order 66 caused clone troopers to exterminate most of the Jedi. Hidden away by an unknown benefactor, Grogu is eventually found and protected by Din Dijarin, the Mandalorian, who comes to care for him like a son.

While the Mandalorian helps Grogu reunite with the Jedi, the Child eventually decides this path is not for him. Forced to choose between a life with the Mandalorian or a life with the Jedi by Luke Skywalker, Grogu chooses to reunite with the Din Dijarin, who looks like he'll be training Grogu in the ways of the Mandalorians in "The Mandalorian" Season 3.

If Grogu does indeed decide to use his Force abilities as a Mandalorian foundling, he won't be the first one. The legendary Tarre Vizsla was a Force-sensitive Mandalorian who was inducted into the Jedi Order. He crafted the Darksaber, a weapon that came to signify the rule of Mandalore. Although Luke claims Grogu could only live as a Mandalorian or a Jedi, it's still very possible Grogu can do both. Members of Yoda's species live centuries, meaning the 50-year-old infant has many different career paths in his future.

The Grand Inquisitor

The Inquisitors offer a way for the Sith Order to work around the "Rule of Two" established by Darth Bane. Although the rule stipulates that there can only be two Sith at one time — a master and an apprentice — there are still many dark side users in the galaxy, and Sith Lords like Darth Sidious seek to exploit them.

This leads to the creation of the Inquisitors, Force-sensitive agents tasked by Palpatine (now voiced by Sam Witwer) with hunting down any Jedi who survived Order 66. Many of these Inquisitors are former Jedi themselves, including a Pau'an Jedi Temple guard who swore allegiance to the Dark Side and became the Grand Inquisitor. As the leader of the other Inquisitors, the Grand Inquisitor (voiced by Jason Isaacs and played by Rupert Friend in "Obi-Wan Kenobi") answers directly to Darth Vader.

While he isn't a Sith Lord, the Grand Inquisitor functions as a parallel to Darth Vader. Much like Anakin Skywalker, the Grand Inquisitor fell to the dark side after becoming resentful that the Jedi Order did not share its secrets with him. He also regularly deceives and betrays his fellow Inquisitors, including the Third Sister, Reva (Moses Ingram), who sought to usurp his title in "Obi-Wan Kenobi," showing that the worst dark side users didn't have to be Sith.

Chirrut Îmwe

A member of the Guardian of the Whills, a religious order that promotes unity with the Force, the blind warrior monk Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen) is a devout believer in the Force. Although he isn't a Jedi, Chirrut appears to be Force-sensitive and can use the Force (and his other senses) to perceive his surroundings and accomplish miraculous feats. In "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," he takes out an entire gang of Stormtroopers using only a wooden stick, blows a ship out of the sky with his lightbow, and walks through a firefight without getting hit by a single blaster shot (although he dies in a subsequent explosion).

Chirrut also feels the Force around certain objects and beings. He can sense a kyber crystal — the power source of a Jedi's lightsaber — around Jyn Erso's (Felicity Jones) neck. Later, he feels the Force moving "darkly" around Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), and correctly predicts Cassian is preparing to assassinate someone. While his powers appear low-level compared to the more exotic abilities of the Jedi and the Sith, Chirrut's faith in the Force is unshakeable, and he willingly submits himself to its will, up to his death.

Sage Miktrull

Long before the Jedi or the Sith, there were the Zeffonians. As detailed in the video game "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order", the Zeffonians were a Force-sensitive species that lived on the planet Zeffo. The Zeffonians studied and wielded the Force, which they called the "Life Wind." Those who gained mastery of the Life Wind were referred to as "Sages." These included Sage Miktrull, Sage Eilram, and Sage Kujet, who studied on the planet Dathomir and became consumed by the dark side of the Force.

In terms of power, Miktrull is said to have been all-powerful. He was also known to be extremely prideful and demanded offerings of metal-encased candles from his people. When he died, his sarcophagus was placed in a massive tomb decorated by votive candles that represented his power. His story, along with that of Sage Kujet, shows the gradual decline of the Zeffonians. Although Zeffo culture was originally peaceful, pride and corruption gradually turned them toward the dark side of the Force and near-extinction.

Nevertheless, the teachings and practices of the Sages are eventually studied by the Jedi of the High Republic Era. This shows how even "ancient religions" like the Jedi and the Sith base their teachings on what came before.


When we first meet him in "Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens," Finn (John Boyega) appears to be an anomaly. Originally designated "FN-2187" and trained from birth to be used as a Stormtrooper for the First Order, Finn somehow retains a conscience and shows compassion for both fallen Stormtroopers and the villagers he is ordered to kill. Despite being bred to follow orders, Finn refuses to fire on them and later frees Rebel fighter Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) so they could escape together.

Over time, Finn discovers that he is Force-sensitive and that his connection to the Force is part of what led him to defect from the First Order. He even meets other ex-Stormtroopers like Jannah (Naomi Ackie) In "Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker" who also defected from the First Order after feeling an "instinct" that told them to abandon their Stormtrooper ways. This suggests there are many Force-sensitive Stormtroopers who felt the pull to the light despite their dark upbringing.

While Finn does not manifest exotic Jedi traits like telekinesis, he is an excellent marksman whose shooting skills could have been Force-enhanced (they're certainly unusually accurate for a Stormtrooper). His melee combat training helps him briefly wield a lightsaber, although he is no match for dark side user Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). By "The Rise of Skywalker," Finn can sense people through the Force, including Kylo Ren and Rey, and trusts his feelings enough to sense the First Order's navigational signal. While it's unclear what path Finn will follow after the events of the films, it's almost certain the Force has its own plans for Finn and the other ex-Stormtroopers.

Princess Leia Organa

As the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and the sister of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) possesses the potential to wield Force powers. Unlike her father and brother, however, Leia chooses not to follow the path of the Jedi, opting instead to lead freedom fighters as a general.

That's not to say that Leia hasn't manifested Force abilities — or that she's incapable of tapping into her innate powers. Even as a child, Leia (played by Vivien Lyra Blair) is able to resist an Inquisitor mind probe in "Obi-Wan Kenobi," a feat she replicates as a young adult in "Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope." She also has an instinctive connection to her brother, Luke, and is able to sense his presence in "The Empire Strikes Back" and guide the Millennium Falcon back to him.

In the non-canonical "Star Wars Legends" material, Luke trains Leia to be a Jedi Knight in his New Jedi Order. In "The Rise of the Skywalker," we learn that Leia had also been trained by Luke in the current canon, but stopped after believing her son would die at the end of her Jedi path. Nevertheless, Leia still uses her Jedi abilities to survive in battle after being blown out to space and later manifests as a Force Ghost along with Luke. Some may feel that someone with her degree of Force potential should be a Jedi, yet Leia invariably charts her own course.

Maz Kanata

Older than even Jedi Master Yoda, Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o) is over a thousand years old by the beginning of "The Force Awakens." Although she tells Rey, "I am no Jedi," Maz is Force-sensitive and has her own knowledge of the Force. This enables her to chart her own path and be a largely benevolent being who still has no problem dealing with the scummier folk in the "Star Wars" galaxy.

Indeed, Maz gains a reputation as a "pirate queen," hosting traveling smugglers and criminals at her castle, which resembles a somewhat cleaner version of Tatooine's "wretched hive of scum and villainy" Mos Eisley Cantina. It's not surprising that she develops a friendship with Han Solo (Harrison Ford) or refers to his first mate, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), as "my boyfriend." Nevertheless, Maz follows her own code, prohibiting any of the criminals who sought sanctuary at her home from engaging in politics, war, or fighting.

Maz's role in the story lies in her talent for collecting antiques and treasures from across the galaxy. Many of these items speak to her through the Force, letting her know which relics she needs to protect and safeguard, particularly Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, which she passed on to Rey (via Collider). Maz's long lifespan and ability to safely navigate through the criminal underworld make her the ideal guardian for Jedi relics and other forgotten treasures, while her reverence for the Force ensures these items would go to the right owners in time.