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Sarah Michelle Gellar Won't Ever Tell Her Whole Story About Working On Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Sarah Michelle Gellar can't help but be somewhat happy with the legacy of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." After all, though Gellar had been acting for years before she landed the part, it was her iconic role as Buffy Summers that helped to launch her career and make her a household name.

Still, as the years have gone on, the hardcore fandom behind "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and other seminal works from seasoned writer-director Joss Whedon have had to face up to the complicated legacy behind shows like "Angel" and "Firefly" that they've come to love so dearly.

As Whedon has been accused of one indiscretion after another in a seemingly never-ending list of scandals, many fans are being forced to reevaluate what the creator's works mean to them. While Gellar herself seems like she's come to terms with what happened on Whedon's sets, she still asserts that she won't ever be telling the whole story.

Sarah Michelle Gellar doesn't think rehashing the stories will help

Sarah Michelle Gellar sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to discuss her new series, "Wolf Pack," and why she won't let conditions ever be the way they were on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on her set. "I hope that I've set up an infrastructure, a safety net for these actors that I didn't have," she said. "My generation just didn't have that."

Gellar also went on to address the elephant in the room, that is, her complicated relationship with the history of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." While the performer maintained that she is proud of the show, she did speak vaguely about her time with the series and its problems.

"I've come to a good place with it, where it's easier to talk about," said Gellar. "I'll never tell my full story because I don't get anything out of it. I've said all I'm going to say because nobody wins. Everybody loses." Tellingly, Gellar doesn't mention Whedon by name, but rather mentioned how the show can still exist outside of its problematic creator, asserting, "I will always be proud of Buffy."

While Gellar has always supported the other women of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," like Michelle Trachtenberg and Charisma Carpenter, who have spoken up about their experiences, it would seem that she would rather move past the issue at this point than attempt to rehash it.