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Twitter Mercilessly Roasts Gina Carano For Fumbling The Star Wars Bag As Her Ben Shapiro-Produced Movie Flops

For a while, it seemed that Gina Carano was set to have a long career as part of the "Star Wars" family. Her performance as Cara Dune on "The Mandalorian" received heaps of praise from fans and critics alike. There was even some talk of a Cara Dune spin-off series coming to Disney+ (per Collider). So, what happened?

Carano was fired from "The Mandalorian" following a slew of controversial social media posts pertaining to gender pronouns, COVID-19, and the Holocaust. Following her firing, Disney and Lucasfilm released a statement that read, "Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable."

Hours after her firing, Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire outlet hired Carano to collaborate on projects for the conservative media company's entertainment arm. The first of those projects was a Western called "Terror on the Prairie," which was released in 2022. The movie wasn't a box office hit, and social media users have been roasting Carano over its performance in recent days.

Gina Carano threw away a promising career

According to The Numbers, Gina Carano's "Terror on the Prairie" — in which she plays a mother who must protect her children from a group of savage bandits — only grossed $804 at the box office. This number hasn't escaped some of Carano's most vocal critics on social media, who noted that she gave up a potentially prosperous career working for Disney in exchange for starring in flops.

One of the most popular comments came from a Twitter user who works for The Hollywood Reporter, who roasted Carano for throwing away a career that most actors could only dream of. "I'll never stop laughing at the fact that she could've had her own Star Wars series, toys, books, comics, apparel," he wrote. "She was that close. She didn't just fumble the bag, she dumped it out, put it over her head and cut off her air supply.

However, another Twitter user believes that Carano's actions were more than a "fumble" as she made a conscious decision to act the way she did. "Gina Carano maliciously chose antisemitism and transphobia over a career in the mainstream," he wrote.

Elsewhere, some users poked fun at the former "Mandalorian" star for attracting more haters than filmgoers. "Gina Carano's blocked Twitter user count is absolutely higher than the amount of people who went to see her s****y movie and that's very funny to me," another tweeter added.

Gina Carano defends Terror on the Prairie and criticizes online haters

Not one to keep quiet on social media, Gina Carano was quick to respond to her critics, including the aforementioned THR reporter, whom she accused of being part of an "online mob" that's focused on "ignorance & spreading hate." Furthermore, she addressed the poor box office performance of "Terror on the Prairie," claiming that the movie was released exclusively on The Daily Wire's subscription-only website.

Carano's colleague @MattWalshBlog also joined the argument and backed up Carano's claim, adding that "Terror on the Praire" only had "one showing in one theater" before it was made available to DailyWire+ subscribers.

In addition to "Terror on the Praire," Carano recently starred in "My Son Hunter," a Breitbart-produced biopic about Hunter Biden's alleged business dealings and corruption. According to The Independent, the film primarily centers on "allegations made by Trump allies," but the filmmakers have defended it as a story that needs to be told.