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Matt Reeves Says A Script For The Batman 2 Is In The Works

"The Batman," which is the most recent iteration of the popular comic book character, was released in early 2022, and unlike a lot of more recent DC movies, the film was warmly received. The film grossed $770 million at the worldwide box office (per Box Office Mojo) and currently has a healthy 85% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes. Naturally, a sequel to the film was announced shortly after its release (per Variety) with Robert Pattinson returning in the title role and Matt Reeves returning as director and writer.

However, with James Gunn and Peter Safran taking over DC Studios and scrapping "Wonder Woman 3" (via The Hollywood Reporter) as well as Gunn confirming that Henry Cavill would not be returning to the role of Superman, many have wondered about the future of "The Batman 2" under this new leadership. Some speculated that Gunn intended to move Reeves and Pattinson into the broader DC universe, but Gunn quickly shut this rumor down. Regardless of what the future holds for DC at large, Reeves has offered an encouraging update on the status of the script for "The Batman 2."

Reeves says that he is hard at work on The Batman 2's script

During a recent interview with Comic Book, "The Batman" co-writer and director Matt Reeves revealed that he and writing partner Mattson Tomlin are very much in the process of writing a script for "The Batman 2." While he didn't say exactly where he was in the writing process, it sounds as if they're making a lot of progress and he's very happy with where they're going. Once again, there was nothing to indicate that James Gunn and Peter Safran's take over of DC Studios was having any sort of effect on his process either, but that can obviously always change.

"I mean, I can't give an update on that in terms of specifics, except to tell you that we are hard at work on the script," Reeves said. "My partner and I are deep in it and I'm excited about what we're going to do." This is very encouraging news for fans of "The Batman" and Robert Pattinson's take on the character. Exact plot details regarding the sequel are not presently known, which isn't surprising given that the script isn't even finished yet, but odds are that viewers will get more of the dark noir feel that they got with the first film.

It also seems less and less likely that Gunn and Safran will interfere in Reeves' independent corner of the Caped Crusader world, as Colin Farrell recently revealed that his "Penguin" spin-off show would start production in February 2023 (per Variety). It seems as if fans are in for a lot more "The Batman"-related content in the years to come.