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Rejected Deadpool Animated Series Test Footage Leaks Online

Both Deadpool fans and Donald Glover were crushed this week when they learned that Marvel Television and FX Networks canceled Glover's planned Deadpool animated series, which was previously ready to rock and roll with a 10-episode first season order. At first, it seemed no one would ever know what the adult-oriented comedy might have been like. But now, rejected test footage for the show has leaked online.

Originally posted to Vimeo and later shared in a more in-depth post on Reddit, the footage (below) hails from animation studio Titmouse, which created it as the pitch to potentially score the gig of animating the Deadpool series. The clip, directed by Barry J. Kelly (Son of Zorn) and executive produced by Chris Prynoski (Her), features Deadpool engaged in a shootout with a handful of villains in what looks to be some type of shipping facility or industrial warehouse. 

"Oh, bad guys to kill!" Deadpool is heard saying in the clip, which uses original Merc with a Mouth actor Ryan Reynolds' dialogue from the 2016 live-action movie.

The foul-mouthed vigilante goes on to exclaim, "Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing is sweet, d***-kicking revenge!" as he flips over his opponents, blasts his gun seemingly a billion times, shoves a grenade in some guy's mouth, and swings his signature katanas through the air. 

Once Deadpool blows up the warehouse, killing the big bad boss in the process, he hurdles toward the camera, his arms and legs completely gone. The footage closes on the hilarious, oft-recited line from the OG Deadpool trailers: "I'm touching myself tonight." The fact that, in the video, Deadpool literally has no limbs to commit such an act makes the crude remark even funnier. 

According to the post of the video on Reddit, the creatives behind the Deadpool animated show ultimately turned down the Titmouse-created footage. "The Titmouse version was never picked up," one user explained. "This version was not going to be the Donald Glover series. This was just an option for animation style." FX eventually tapped Floyd County Productions, the animation studio behind FXX's Archer, for the project. 

This leaked footage comes just days after Glover shared a bizarre "script" from the series, in which he both slams the network for canceling the show and gives us a taste at how zany his take on Deadpool would have been.