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The Untold Truth Of Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty's Robertson clan has become Lousiana's de facto first family. Despite patriarch Phil Robertson's well-known controversial statements to GQ, some secrets still remain tucked away behind those broad, brown beards. Let's look past the bird calls and shotguns and explore the untold truth of Duck Dynasty's Robertson family.

Phil Robertson accused show producers of bleeping religious dialogue

Phil Robertson's faith is no secret, but apparently the folks at A&E thought they could keep it as one early on in production. Robertson told Sports Spectrum in 2013 that during the show, some profanity-covering bleeps were added to make it look like the family members were swearing, but he insisted no vulgarity was used. He also alleged that producers added bleeps to cover up "in Jesus's name" during a family prayer filmed for the end of one early episode—a step taken, according to Robertson, because "they don't want to offend some of the Muslims or something."

Phil Robertson had a drinking problem

Before he became vocal about his religious beliefs, Robertson was quite the hellraiser, according to his wife Miss Kay. In her book The Women of Duck Commander, she writes that Phil's drinking cost him his job as a teacher. Although what he taught has never been revealed, it's known that he educated youngsters for several years; he also holds a master's degree in education. Drinking also eventually cost the bearded patriarch his subsequent job—running a bar.

He's been known to get violent

While Robertson ran his bar, the people from whom he leased it decided to pop in one day and check up to see how things were going. According to Kay's book, this led to a drunken fight, in which Robertson supposedly beat both of his landlords to a bloody pulp, then fled the scene of the crime. The landlords allegedly agreed to drop the charges as long as the Robertsons paid them an unspecified amount of money—which sounds a lot like extortion, also a crime. Two wrongs don't make a right, but when you're in the bayous and backwoods, that sounds like a logical solution.

They've run afoul of Christian groups

Robertson's alcoholic past has clearly affected him and his family—and drinking has continued to have an impact on their financial bottom line. In 2013, son Willie Robertson launched his brand of Duck Commander Wines, sold online and at the finest Walmarts for $10 a bottle. According to Fox News, the staunchly anti-drinking Christian group Family Ministries subsequently canceled an appearance with Willie; lucky for the Robertsons, this was only a drop in the duck-calling bucket.

Jep had a drug problem

Much like his father, Jules Jeptha "Jep" Robertson has had troubles with substance abuse. Jep told I Am Second in 2013 that he has a sordid history, with popping pills being the least of what he did. He started seeing the warning signs of his reckless lifestyle after one night when he woke up after driving under the influence, unable to remember where he came from or where he was going. That wasn't enough to get him to quit—but shortly thereafter, his family staged an intervention, and since then, he's stayed on the Robertsons' straight and narrow.

Jase Robertson was a doubter

They've earned the admiration of millions for their supposedly strong faith in the Lord, but the Robertsons have had a doubting Thomas in their midst—at least as it pertains to their television endeavors. Second-eldest son Jason Silas "Jase" Robertson didn't think for a second that Duck Dynasty would last one season, let alone lead the flock to the fame and fortune they've received. He told Fox News Radio, "I had this perception of reality shows that you had to have all this friction and fits of rage and four-letter words." Luckily, Jase was wrong.

He's also a late bloomer

Jase refrained from ever letting alcohol pass through his lips until he was 30, mainly due to watching his father's alcoholism growing up. As he told Fox411, "It was really a decision I made from monitoring my dad... I thought, 'Whatever they're doing, I'm just not going to do that.'" Thankfully, Jase's casual drinking in adulthood is nowhere near as bad as his father's.

People have mistaken Jase for a homeless man

While visiting New York in 2013, Jase attempted to stay at the Trump International Hotel, but a hotel staffer booted him out due to his ZZ Top-style beard—although he "was very nice, he walked me outside, pointed down the road and said, 'Good luck.'" After word of the incident got out, the Trump family reached out to apologize; according to People, the Robertsons ended up hitting it off with Donald Trump Jr.

Reed Robertson didn't take well to the fame at first

Jase's son, Reed Robertson, knows fame isn't all it's cracked up to be. As he admitted during the family's interviews with I Am Second, Reed's newfound fame initially caused his ego to fever and swell. This resulted in him pushing his friends away from him, both intentionally and unintentionally. Reed's subsequent isolation culminated in some potentially suicidal thoughts. He credited his faith with getting him back on track—and a stern talking-to from his dad, who he quoted as saying, "'That is the most selfish thing that you can do... Leave this world because you can't take it.' And I really believe that that's true."

Uncle Si can't take no for an answer

Fan favorite Silas Merritt "Uncle Si" Robertson has only ever had eyes for one woman, his wife since 1971—Christine Raney. But his long-term admiration of her isn't necessarily a good thing. Before they married, Uncle Si asked for her hand in marriage over 70 times before she answered his bridal calls and said yes, according to an interview with ABC News. Nowadays, a guy would get slapped with a restraining order for behavior like that.