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Rumored Reports Of Jenna Ortega Joining MCU's Daredevil: Born Again As White Tiger Have Fans Pumped

Giant Freakin Robot has reported, albeit without substantial evidence, that Jenna Ortega of "Wednesday" is allegedly "in talks" to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the superhero White Tiger. The report is based on confidential yet "trusted and proven" sources. The same or similar sources are also telling GFB that Mark Wahlberg is joining the MCU as well.

Let's make this clear: An anonymous and unsupported claim that an actor is merely in talks for a role is about as far from a concrete confirmation of involvement as you can get, so this report should be taken with a hefty grain of salt. Multiple grains, perhaps. Still, the prospect of both Ortega and White Tiger coming to the MCU is an undeniably exciting one, whether it's realistic or not. Since appearing in the second season of the Netflix drama-thriller "You," Ortega has steadily risen as one of Hollywood's most prominent young actors. Her current role in the Netflix series "Wednesday" – based on the classic horror-comedy franchise, "The Addams Family" — is particularly buzzworthy, and probably a big part of the reason for this rumor.

The character of White Tiger is relatively unknown compared to most mainstream superheroes, though the character was briefly brought to a wider audience in one Spider-Man animated series, "Ultimate Spider-Man," on Disney XD. In the popular children's series, White Tiger served on a S.H.I.E.L.D.-backed young superhero team that included Spider-Man, Nova (the Sam Alexander version), and reimagined versions of Luke Cage and Iron Fist. And now, for fans of the show and her comic book counterpart, even the rumor of her MCU debut is cause for celebration.

The news is exciting... if true

"If jenna ortega is actually going to be casted as white tiger in the new show of daredevil, you'll have to check on me because that will be the best thing that have ever happen to the mcu," wrote @AGENTQU4KE

Multiple users, including @nigh1w1ng, called the casting "peak." @MarSanJ47 expressed their doubt about the rumor's authenticity, but admitted "it would be cool if [the rumor is true]. I've been wanting to see a White Tiger in the MCU for a while now." Another user responded to the tweet pitching a project co-starring "Titans" actor Esai Morales and directed by Oscar-winning director Alfonso Caurón. 

Not all fans are reveling in this rumored development, however — though any lack of excitement is less due to White Tiger (who, clearly, they do want to see) and more so a lack of trust in the report. See, per GFR, Ortega could be joining the cast of "Daredevil: Born Again," a series which GFR's sources have been wrong about in the past. For instance, in response to @GeekVibesNation's repost of GFR's scoop, @kylejselby wrote "Just like Eiza González was supposed to be Elektra?" This is a clear nod to GFR's previous "Born Again" report that claimed the "Ambulance" star was to join the series in the aforementioned role, where she would've allegedly been replacing previous Elektra actress Elodie Yung — again, based solely on "trusted and proven" sources. The subsequent fan response was so aggressive, González had to firmly deny the reports and ask Marvel fans to leave her alone (per Variety).