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The Legend Returns In First Official Look At Indiana Jones 5

Indiana Jones is back for another thrilling journey, as the legendary character's next film — still unofficially known as "Indiana Jones 5" — hits theaters in 2023. Details about the project have been scarce but some elements are confirmed. Foremost among them is the addition of Mads Mikkelsen, Boyd Holbrook, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge to the cast.

Waller-Bridge's presence sparked one of the biggest rumors, which is something director James Mangold himself had to address. Sources claimed the character Helena would take over for Jones at the film's conclusion; the thought did not sit well with many longtime fans (via Metro). Social media comments also speculated the ending received a hugely negative response from a test screening. Mangold posted about the reports with a blunt answer. "No one will ever replace Indiana Jones. Not in any script. Not in any cut. Never discussed," the filmmaker wrote as part of a Twitter post replying to a fan.

Nevertheless, speculation continues surrounding the anticipated project as fans get their first look at Jones' return. The images may not be spoiler-filled but they're sure to get everyone talking.

A new magazine cover shows Harrison Ford's return as Indiana Jones

Empire Magazine published the first official photo of Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones 5." The cover comes as part of the magazine's preview of 2023's most anticipated films. Ford is instantly recognizable in the classic costume; only the fedora casts a shadow over his eyes for an added touch of mystery.

The publication's subscribers get an added bonus with a special cover. Sam Hadley created the image, which Empire describes as "1960s-era New York City." It is said to be inspired by the film, though no information about the actual setting is available. The image itself harkens back to the famous posters that accompanied the franchise since its inception.

Readers will also get to see exclusive stills from the upcoming film. Empire offered a peek into what they can expect with one of those coveted pictures (via Twiiter/@IndianaJones). It shows Indy peering around a boat, golden rays hitting the water behind him. These images mark the start of what is sure to be a major marketing blitz. Prior to the Empire exclusive, behind-the-scenes photos from "Indiana Jones 5" previously appeared online during filming. Those unauthorized images provided teases into what to expect about the costumes, characters, and settings.