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Here's How The Flash Could Make It Possible For Jason Momoa To Play Both Lobo & Aquaman

DC fans got an awesome surprise this week courtesy of newly crowned studio head James Gunn, with the director sending out an image of the legendary bounty hunter and Superman villain Lobo on social media, along with an ominous message. "Glad to be here," Gunn wrote on the decentralized social media app Mastodon.

For many people, the post wound up being enough fuel for the Lobo rumor fire to burn wildly on its own. But then uncanny Lobo candidate and current "Aquaman" actor Jason Momoa had to come along and toss his hat into the casting ring, saying it was always a "dream" of his to play Lobo. Momoa told ComicBook.com: "Well, everyone knows I'm a comic book fan. The comic I collected the most, and I have every comic there is ... you can do your research and find out what it is." 

According to Momoa, DC Studios has a number of things up its sleeve now that Gunn and co-head Peter Safran are officially in charge. The "Aquaman" star told ET Canada in an early November interview: "I think with Peter Safran and Mr. Gunn at the helm now at DC, I'm very excited about that. There are a lot of cool things that are going to be coming up and one of my dreams come true will be happening under their watch, so stay tuned."

Regardless of who plays Lobo, the fact that Gunn and Momoa have both spoken publicly about "The Main Man" should be a major indicator that something is likely brewing behind-the-scenes. But even if Momoa was to take on the role, how would it be possible for him to play both Lobo and Aquaman in the DCEU? Well, folks — that's where "The Flash" comes in.

James Gunn could use The Flash to reset the DCEU, turn Jason Momoa into Lobo

As most DC fans already know, the 2023 film "The Flash" is set to feature some timeline-altering drama surrounding Ezra Miller's Barry Allen. But what a lot of people don't realize is exactly what that could entail. According to The Direct, Zack Snyder's entire catalog is rumored to be on the chopping block for decanonization, which means Aquaman and the other characters you know and love could be getting recast. However, it also means that there are now new open doors for the actors who play them — like Jason Momoa — to play other DC characters.

Twitter user @wonderbira said: "I have never understood why Zack chose Jason to play Aquaman. Jason is the perfect Lobo and he always has been. For years I've imagined Momoa playing the character and theres no one that perfect to do it."

User @DanielUOrji wrote: "If we're going the multiverse route, then it's easy to have two people play different roles...Momoa can certainly play Lobo and Aquaman, Lobo even fits him more."

When it comes to what needs to happen in "The Flash" for such a switch to be made, fans have offered up a number of suggestions online — including the possibility of a "Flashpoint"-inspired storyline shaking things up. If ever in the DCEU, there's one person that the public would love to see Momoa's Lobo face off against.

DC fans are calling for a Superman vs. Lobo showdown featuring Jason Momoa and Henry Cavill

If "The Flash" does, in fact, mess up all kinds of things in the DCEU and Snyderverse next year, fans ultimately believe the only way for Jason Momoa to make the Lobo jump successfully would be to challenge Henry Cavill's returning Man of Steel.

"Superman vs Lobo movie would be insane!" wrote Twitter user @pingpongflix, adding: "After The Flash, anything is possible in the multiverse." User @ThePandaSupreme pointed out how Superman and Lobo battled repeatedly in the comics, saying: "Superman fights lobo many times." As for what would happen if another Aquaman met Momoa's Lobo in "The Flash" or a different Warner Bros. project in the future, many DC fans feel like there could be something special there. Twitter user @Deadshot410409 tweeted: "It would actually make for some quality jokes if Aquaman and lobo ever meet." 

Described online by DC Comics as "the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy," Lobo would undoubtedly be an alien force to be reckoned with, unlike anything seen in the DCEU before. The leather-clad character rides around on a "space cycle" dubbed the Spacehog and is known for his hard but outlandish personality. Lobo's DC.com bio reads: "There's nothing in the galaxy that Lobo loves more than his pet dolphins, a good fight, the ladies and getting drunk in some intergalactic dive bar. Probably all in that order."

Throughout his comic history, Lobo has taken on both good and bad guys. So it's very possible that DC could use "The Flash" and a Momoa-Lobo turn to find a way to bring Cavill's Superman back. It was announced in late October that Cavill would continue playing The Last Son of Krypton for the foreseeable future. The "Justice League" actor revealed the move in a statement, saying: "Thank you for your support and thank you for your patience. I promise it will be rewarded."