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Law & Order: SVU's Tamara Tunie Once Had A Run-In With Real-Life Forensic Scientists

Any crime drama worth its salt would never be complete without a medical examiner to help solve the case, and "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" is no exception. Although the series does feature storylines based on real crimes, the science and forensic techniques on the show aren't always on par with what would happen in a real-life criminal investigation (via Rasmussen University). The show has a tried and true formula, one that's been successfully employed for over two decades. Even though it can be predictable, the procedural structure of the narrative allows the actors room to hammer home the emotional message at the heart of each installment. Often, the medical examiner's knowledge gives the detectives the tools they require to bring criminals to justice.

Plenty of characters have come and gone over the years, but Dr. Melinda Warner has been a fixture on the series since Season 2 (via IMDb). Portrayed by actress Tamara Tunie, Dr. Warner has proven herself to be an indispensable asset to the Manhattan Special Victims Unit. She's steadfast, conscientious, and knows how to crack a joke, providing some much-needed comic relief when possible. Warner is a pretty recognizable character, so it makes sense that fans would recognize her when she's out and about. Let's look at the recent fan encounter that gave Tunie insight into how real-life forensic scientists perceive her character.

Forensic scientists think Dr. Melina Warner is a good representation of their profession

Since Tamara Tunie has been playing Dr. Warner on and off for years, it makes sense that she'd be recognized in public from time to time. Tamara Tunie has undergone quite the transformation throughout her career, but her time working with Captain Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and company still ranks among her most notable roles. However, Tunie was apprehensive when a pair of fans noticed her on the subway in New York City, where "Law & Order: SVU" is filmed (via LatLong).

"So I'm on the platform, and this older couple approaches me, and they say hello and say they're fans of the show. And then they tell me that they both teach forensics at Columbia University, and I was like, 'Uh, oh, here it comes,'" Tunie told the host of The Jason Show (via YouTube). Thankfully, Tunie had nothing to worry about regarding her performance, even if the science on the show wasn't always exact. "But basically, you know, they said, 'You're making us look good.' So that made me feel really good. They were wonderful."

The storylines on the show can include some pretty brutal topics, so it's nice to hear that Tunie's performance reflected something positive to viewers. The real reason "Law & Order" has lasted this long is because of its dynamic cast of characters, a factor that helps to keep the series relatable.