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How Dave Coulier Really Feels About His Full House Co-Stars

Dave Coulier played "Uncle" Joey Gladstone on "Full House" for eight entire seasons — the entirety of the show's run. As one of the central characters who appears in most of the episodes, Coulier certainly spent a significant amount of time with the rest of the main cast. Joey is Danny Tanner's (Bob Saget) best friend on the show, and he is always at the house helping Danny raise his daughters. Joey's character is very likable because he is friendly, he's good with children, and he's also an aspiring stand-up comedian who is always telling jokes. Certain fans of the series are divided on Joey's comedy, but whether or not his jokes always land, Joey is always in good spirits and is great at cheering others up. Additionally, even if Joey isn't always funny, Coulier definitely is. In fact, Coulier came quite close to becoming an official "Saturday Night Live" cast member.

Because his character is so sociable, and because Joey is supposed to be basically family to the other main characters on "Full House," it obviously appears to viewers as though he genuinely likes the other cast members. Is Dave Coulier friends with the other "Full House" cast members in real life, or is he really just acting?

Dave Coulier loves the entire Full House cast

In an interview with Closer Weekly, Dave Coulier opened up regarding his feelings about the "Full House" cast in general. "We really had that chemistry from the starting gate," he said. "It was just incredible. We just loved each other through all kinds of situations. We've gone through marriages and divorces, births and deaths, pickups and cancellations ... and we've remained really close. You can't fake that kind of chemistry — either you have that or you don't." The cast's warm feelings toward each other likely contributed to the genuine family feel of the show. When pretending to be a family, it would certainly help if the actors felt familial affection for each other.

Of course, along with feelings of familial warmth also comes grief. Reflecting on Bob Saget's death, Coulier said, "He and I had tons of stupid little comedy bits that we would only do with each other. I miss that most ... I spoke to Bob his last day on the planet ... The last thing I said to him was, 'Hey, have a great show. I love you.'" Clearly, Coulier made meaningful, life-long friendships while on the set of "Full House." 

Lastly, being a family means sticking together even through difficult times. Regarding Lori Loughlin and her involvement in the college admissions scandal, Coulier said, "We're the best of friends. I feel so bad for what's happened in her life. We all make mistakes, and she's paid for those. All I can do is just be a strong supporter of our friendship."