Things To Know About New Star Wars Actress Kelly Tran

Star Wars: Episode VIII released some casting news that sent fans into a tizzy. Laura Dern and Benicio del Toro are recognizable names, but who on Earth is Kelly Marie Tran? We're here to help: to start, she's adorable, hilarious, and was born and bred in San Diego. Now, here are more things you need to know about the newest starlet that Disney plucked out of obscurity and launched to instant-legend status...

She studied hard at being funny

Tran graduated from UCLA, but her education didn't stop there. She continued honing her comedic and theatrical chops in three major improv groups: iO West, Second City, and Upright Citizens Brigade. Watch your back, Tina Fey!

You've probably seen her before, while you were supposed to be working

If you're guilty of surfing the net for silly stuff while you're at the office, Tran may look familiar to you. She's a regular in CollegeHumor original videos, including "Periods Aren't That Gross," "Philosophical Truth or Dare," "I'm So Broke," "If You're 20-Something Stop Saying You're Old," and "Are You Asian Enough?".

She paid tribute to Star Wars in a commercial once

In a commercial for anti-smoking group The Truth, Tran lights up as a "social smoker." But wait—plot twist! Several Internet memes pop up warning her and others that "it's a trap." Maybe she'll be a live-action Admiral Ackbar.

She's been on TV before

Tran has made appearances on shows including Jimmy Kimmel Live, Ladies Like Us, Comedy Bang! Bang!, and Lifetime's Fall Into Me. In terms of meatier parts, she co-starred in the TruTV pilot Adam Ruins Everything, has a supporting role in Netflix's XoXo (2016), and stars as Marguerite on About A Boy.

She's got musical chops

Tran performed in local musicals growing up to strengthen her theater skills (and expand her resume), but her talents aren't only reserved for the stage. Tran's YouTube channel showcases her vocal ability as she and friends sing covers of popular songs, including Taylor Swift's "Forever and Always." Unfortunately for those of us who ache for more of her singing, the page hasn't been updated since 2010.